Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Contractor Visit

I got a call the other night from my contractor. He said he could come by this morning and wrap up some work we were waiting for. I drove to work and picked up my laptop to work from home.

Momoko and I were watching a new anime we found called Angelic Layer. Then the contractor drove up and was ringing the doorbell. I let him in and went back to watching the anime. He interrupted me with some bad news. The faucet I bought did not fit the vanity. A quick run to Lowes fixed that problem.

The contractor and his partner installed our beautiful vanity in the kids bathroom. Then they went and secured out gate that leads to the back patio. That gate has been out of commission for a while. Finally the contractor put some anchors and hooks in our pantry to hang the pans.

I am excited because the contractor gave me an estimate to fix our master bathroom shower. The thing will not spray any hot water pressure in the shower. The result is a cold shower, or one where the water trickles out. I am hoping we can get the contractor back to do that work. Momoko and I have lived for over 6 years with this shower problem. Things are looking up.


Kit Kat said...

I still don't like it! :p

Grand Kat said...

I am sure you are looking forward to some hot showers!!

Momoko said...

I am hoping that Kit will grow to like it or I guess she will spend less time in the bathroom.

Black Cat said...

I make sure to wash my hands in this bathroom now. Kids are going t oneed to keep this thing clean.