Thursday, July 8, 2010

Times of Drought

Late last week, a sensor detected that a big water pipe in the area was faulty. They dug it up and found the pipe was failing. It is one of the main lines that feeds the water to our water company. So they declared it a time to conserve water.

Nobody is allowed to water their lawns, or fill pools, or do other things to waste water. This restriction was to last 4 days. But they were unable to fix the pipe quickly. So the restriction got extended.

The police are enforcing the water restriction. You can get a warning or a $500 fine. So I am sure not watering the lawn. A lot of people are upset as they have planted new things that need water or will die. I know some people are sneaking out, doing the watering in the middle of the night.

Our grass is getting brown again and might not live. Kit Kat's roses are not looking well.


Momoko said...

Hopes for scattered rainstorms. Maybe someone can send some our way...

Grand Kat said...

You can our extra rain!

Kit Kat said...

Live roses live!!