Friday, July 2, 2010


Last night I decided to text the kittens to let them know I was thinking about them. They have been staying up really late and sleeping in and I didn't really think about the time. (It was around 11:30 PM) I got a text back from Little telling me he was in bed but could not sleep. I told him to close his eyes and think about something calming like the beach. He wrote back and said he likes when I text him. I know it was just a ploy for him to stay up late but it was very sweet. Gotta love him! As much as I wanted to text him all night, I knew he needed to get to sleep. I did get to text Kit as well but Kit had to go to bed early because she was going garage sale shopping in the morning so we didn't get to talk much. I hope they both finally get some sleep. Sweet dreams kittens!


Black Cat said...

So somebody actually does text. Hmm.

Grand Kat said...

Sounds like the cat is missing her kittens. Someday I may even get a phone that can text but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Grand Kat said...
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Grand Kat said...

For some reason it posted twice, oh well, I guess it will get my point across.