Cool drinks helped a little bit. But it was difficult to cool down. I ended up cutting the front yard. Did some tree trimming in the back yard. That was about it. Took me over three hours to get done. Actual work was probably a little over an hour. Ouch that was hot weather.
Afterwards Momoko talked me into driving her to the Outback Steak House. Food was awesome as usual. However bad weather crept up on us. Felt like a hurricane passed over the restaurant. Some woman screamed that she thought we were in the middle of a tornado after the lights went out.
Momoko wanted to wait out the storm in the restaurant. I voted to get home quickly. When we got home we found the back rain gutter was overflowing onto the side of the house. I tried to climb up and find what was wrong. But I was so tired I could not get high enough to see what was happening. I reached up to the second story gutters and pulled out some crud. But I think the gutters are still blocked.
Today we are getting the professionals to come clean out all the rain gutters. No need putting myself in harm's way climbing two and a half stories on a rickety ladder. I will let you know how the professionals do.
For over two years now a newly invented, American Made, gutter cleaning tool for most wet/dry vacuums has been sold (exclusively on-line)called a Gutter Clutter Buster, so homeowners do not have to climb a "rickety" ladder. This tool attaches to most wet/dry vac hoses, that measure 2.5" in diameter, and it "vacuums out all gutter debris, wet and dry" while standing on the ground. This new tool is the most user-friendly tool available to date that allows the user to keep their feet firmly on the ground, without a ladder. Therefore, eliminating the danger of hurting oneself from a fall off a ladder. The Gutter Clutter Buster Kit will reach most 2nd story gutters and proves to be a faster, cleaner, and easier method of gutter cleaning. Most of all the "safety factor" is the most important assest when using the Gutter Clutter Buster. While vacuuming out compacted wet leaves, pine needles, moss, virus, twigs, it also vacuums out all stagnant smelly water that breed mosquitoes which carry Dungee and West Nile Virus, along with other roaches that carry 33 various contagious diseases without the user having to get near the gutter and breath in any of these virus. Think first before you even considered getting on a ladder, and think again, that now, you can do it safer and more often because of the ease of use.
Hey why wasn't I invited to Outback, it is yummy.
I go for having professionals clean your gutters, wouldn't what black to fall now would we.
You can come with us to Outback. But you have to agree to stay with us for at least a 1 week visit. Let's schedule it up.
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