Monday, July 19, 2010

Evil Monday

Mondays are so evil. First, they come way too early and then you realize you are only at the beginning of the week.

I was having a hard staying awake in class today. I didn't roll into bed until after 2am and I had to get up at 6:30am.

I have homework that is due by the end of the week but I think I will take a break from homework today. I am hoping other people in my group will take more of the lead this week.

I miss the kittens and I can't wait until they get home. I miss the conversations and the hugs and snuggles. Watching chick flicks alone is never fun.


Black Cat said...

I had trouble waking up today as well. Stayed up well past 2:00pm today. Looks like Momoko is already sleeping on the couch right now. Heheh.

Grand Kat said...

waking up early means going to bed early...hint hint