Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Encountering the Batmobile +1

Momoko stayed home sick the other day. She said she needed some soup for lunch. So I cancelled my lunch errands and decided to pick up some Chinese food. As I was driving down the street, I saw two guys standing there. At first I thought they may have been cops. But they were not wearing the standard police uniform colors that the local city, county, or state officers wear. Weird I thought.

Later I drove up on a scene I had not witnessed before. The center of the street was blocked by a couple vehicles I can only describe as the Batmobile on steroids. I could not pass. A guy saw me drive up and said there was no way through. He recommended I take a detour. So I take the long way around.

This is where things get real weird. All down the street, there are abandoned cops cars. No cops are to be seen. Umm WTF is going on? I proceed past them. When I get to the end of the street, a police car is blocking off the entrance to the street I am on. There are police officers stopping another car in my lane. I am trapped. I look to one of the cops. He waves me on. As I pull forward, another cop tells me to stop. I wait there for a long time before I can get past this mess.

Okay something really weird is going on. On the way back, I look around the long way to get home. There are cops and cop cars at all the intersections. These are not major roads. Most of them are dead ends. What the heck are these people doing? I finally get home and tell the family to stay put. Something weird is going on, and it would be best to stay indoors until it clears up.

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