Friday, May 3, 2013

The Missing Wheel

I went to visit a customer site today. Was on the road very early. Came home early too since my meeting ended early. I decided to finally cut the grass. It was long overdue. Now my weekend might be pretty lazy.

After spending a couple hours cutting the grass, I was ready for a shower before heading to school. I slid the shower door open to turn on the water. That's when I heard the sound of something falling down. A screw had come off the door.

This was a crucial screw that holds a wheel onto the top right hand corner of one shower door. The wheel holds the door up, and keeps it on track. Without the wheel, the door does not slide. It also wants to fall off the track. Big time fail.

I quickly found the screw. Could not locate the wheel. Momoko came in and could not find it either. The thing is too large to go down the drain. Used some Sherlock Holmes skills. If the thing did not fall, perhaps it could still be in the track. It took a lot of searching to find the darn wheel stuck on the upper track of the door jamb.

After screwing the wheel back on, the shower door was back in operation. Just in time to take a shower, dry off, and run to school.

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