Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Return of Failure +1

We are coming down to the last few weeks of school. Little Kat got a fourth quarter progress report that was not great. But it was not bad. Since then, it has all gone down hill. Luckily Momoko checks all of Little Kat's grades online. Plus she is in contact with some of his teachers. Looks like Little Kat is failing three of his classes.

This is a typical Little Kat failure. He does not turn work in. Then he tells the teachers he needs more time and will turn the work in later. For a disorganized kid like Little Kat, that scenario spells disaster. He can barely keep up when he is keeping track of the homework that is due tomorrow. Once he misses it, we are in never never land.

Momoko is stepping in to make sure Little Kat does not fail. But Little Kat needs to grow up eventually. Some people are not cut out to be top notch students. It is looking like Little Kat is one of those people. I spent a whole quarter teaching him how to keep on top of things. I showed him a failproof system to ensure he gets good grades even if teachers make mistakes and give him bad grades. Did Little Kat learn anything? Guess not.

The problem is that later on in life, when Little Kat has limited options for work, he will regret not stepping up his game now. Who wants to work a back breaking job for a bozo boss at minimum wage? Nobody. But that's what you set yourself up for if you don't apply yourself at school and life. Disappointment. Maybe we need to get radical and get rid of all the electronics that might be distracting Little Kat and clouding his judgement.

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