Monday, May 6, 2013

Repairs Day +1

Today I had my handymen come to take care of many small items in the house. I had to get up early as these guys start work early. Momoko did not go in to work today because of a doctor's appointment. She wanted to sleep in. Nope. The repair guys had some work to do in our bathroom. Main job was to replace the toilet. I had two plumbers try to fix the dripping water in the tank. They could not permanently fix it. Thus it was time for a new tank altogether.

The hand rail leading down the stair to the basement kept getting loose. I would not notice it until my hand got caught on the screws popping out. That's just a safety hazard. The guys secured the bolts and painted the thing. They also took care of some holes left in the ceiling from a light/fan fixture installed a long time ago. It was low priority. Time to get it done. While they were working on that, they noticed some cracks in the ceiling that they fixed as well.

I work all day in the basement. It is hard to hear the doorbell all the time. These guys put in a second doorbell chime in the basement. Now there is no chance someone is at the door without me knowing about it. They also put in some custom fixes to our kitchen drawer whose guide kept coming off track. All these little things add up over time. You got to address them sooner or later.

The handymen return tomorrow to finish up some painting and secure the towel holders in the kids bathroom. They will also return in a week once some parts come in for our other bathrooms.

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