Friday, February 5, 2010

Blizzard Warning

Well, we ended up getting off work/school really early today (3 hours!) I decided to do a few last minute errands. I took the kittens by the gas station and Kit topped off the gas. We went to Best Buy to pick up a few new Wii games and then to the bookstore to pick up a few new books. The kittens are reading the Percy Jackson series and needed the next few books. I was surprised how many people were out and about in the snow but hey so was I. We made it home before the snow really started cranking out. Things have been going pretty full force and we probably have 7" down now but it won't be stopping until Saturday evening. They have a Blizzard Warning posted right now and things are pretty crazy out in our neck of the woods. We are just hoping to stay warm and toasty and the electricity running. Wish us luck!


Grand Kat said...

Hope the power didn't go out again and you could play those wii games.

Black Cat said...

No games are as good as Mario Brothers for Wii.