Thursday, February 25, 2010

Plumber Power

Momoko told me the sink in the kids bathroom was getting slow to drain. Normally I would call the plumber. But we are trying to be scrappy. When the plumber visits, he charges $100. No can do.

I ordered some long pipe cleaner looking tools. Then Kit Kat and I hit the sink. She said she did not need any gloves. I put on some latex gloves for protection. Kit Kat put the pipes down the sink.

Now I thought we would find tons of hair. Don't get me wrong. There was some hair. But there was also a lot of sludge or something down there. And I had to clean off the pipe each time Kit Kat dug for treasure. Those gloves came in handy.

By the time we were done, we could run the hot and cold water at full blast. All the water flowed down the drain and did not back up. Plumber charge avoided. Kit Kat and I will have another adventure this weekend. All I can say is that there is something nasty about the windows in her bedroom.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Come and do my pipes, they need it bad but I am sure I WILL have to call the plumber on ours.