Sunday, February 21, 2010

Snow Melt

Our high piles of snow are starting to melt a little bit. I am happy. Some people tell me their rain gutters are falling down (due to heavy ice). Ours are holding up for now.

I am ready for the forecast of rain. That might melt even some more snow. There is a problem that remains with the snow. There is nowhere to park. Normally we have two spots out in front of the curb. But the snow only leaves one.

Momoko and I have been playing musical cars in our one car driveway. Then things got complicated when my bro drove over with his truck. Had to park those cars tight.

We got this old couch in the basement. It is older than Kit Kat. The darn thing is just not too comfortable. Momoko would like a sectional sofa. But that sounds like $$$.

Value City has a sale this weekend for a 500 dollar sectional. Sounds like a scam, but maybe Little Kat and I will check it out. Right Little Kat?


Momoko said...

Hopes it is not a scam because that old couch is soooooo uncomfortable.

Black Cat said...

Too bad we did not get to check out the couch today at the store.

Grand Kat said...

I need a new one too. Have to wait until we win the lottery though.