Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Teacher's Pet

I had work today but the kittens were off so I smuggled Kit to work with me. She was very helpful. While I was stuck in meetings, she did the work that I needed to complete. She made copies, cleaned, organized, graded papers, and other miscellaneous tasks. I am sure you are impressed that Kit would actually come in on her off to help her poor mom. Well, I won't mention the fact that she does get paid to help out now that she is older. I find she complains a lot less that way. (I love you baby..smoochie smoochie)

We were afraid that the animals might not be alive since they spent 10 day untended due to snow. We were happy to see all the fish and two gerbils had made it through the peril of two blizzards. YEAH!!!!!!


Bluetiger said...
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Kit Kat said...

Another perk to going with mom is that I got to play with the gerbils! Yay!

Grand Kat said...

I hope you paid her ABOVE minimum wage if she did a good job.
I bet the animals were hungry!

Black Cat said...

What about Little Kat? Does he get paid to come help Momoko?

Kit Kat said...

Yeah Little gets paid also.