Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Contractor Cometh

Today I worked from home. Had the contractor boys come over. They were not very productive. Luckily I put them on the highest priority task first - installing Kit Kat's window air conditioning unit.

The first dude arrived at 8:30am. The next one came an hour later. They finished the air conditioning install at 3:00pm. After that they were tired, and pretty much went home.

Since Kit Kat comes home from school before 4:00pm, I pumped her fan on high and put the temperature at 68 degrees. Kit Kat said she spied on the new A/C unit protruding from her room out the front of the house. She knew she was set.

Looks like I have to work from home tomorrow as the contractor boys return to install Little Kat's air conditioning. And if tomorrow is Thursday, it is only 2 days until the new iCarly movie iPsycho.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

I hope you enjoy the movie.