Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sleep Over Weekend

This weekend we decided to let Kit Kat invite her friends to our house for a sleep over. Now sleep over is a relative term. These teens like to stay up most of the night. This will probably be the last big bash before Kit Kat goes to see her dad this summer.

One of Kit Kat's friends brought his Rock Band game for the Wii. He also brought all the hardware. This included a drum set, microphone, and guitar. I thought I heard Amy Lee from Evanescence singing in our basement. Turns out it was another of Kit Kat's friends with a good voice.

Momoko went on an all day 5 location field trip. When she got home she was broken. So we put her to bed. She had promised Kit Kat that she would take them to get ice cream. I had to take them instead. We went to this shack on the side of the road. The owner was very nice. He let us try some raspberry snow cone and ice cream combo for free.

Little Kat spent the night over his friend's house. Apparently he got no sleep last night. He came home and napped for a few hours. Momoko tried to wake him up. However he just wandered around until Momoko took a nap. Then Little Kat had to lay down on the couch for a rest. They are both sleeping right now. Heheh.


Grand Kat said...

Did you get a nap in also, seems like you should have had one too.

Black Cat said...

Yep I had a nap or two. Had to prepare for an early morning the next day.