Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Days Swirl By

I started out this summer with a plan. I wanted to complete certain things by the time the kittens return but I find myself getting off track.

I have been enjoying the fact that I can sleep in with no commitments but this causes me to stay up until the wee hours of the morning. I have to focus so that I can stick to my summer plan.

I want to start going back to physical therapy and or start going to the pool. I want to organize each room and plan for class. I have a summer class July 12-23 so I really do not have a lot of time to work on my to list if the kittens are coming home mid August.

I really miss the kittens and it kills me that they never call or text. I know they are busy but I would really just like a five minute check. I am sure my mom feels the same way and I am lucky if I talk to her once a week. I guess there is something about what comes around goes around. I will keep you posted on my list of things and how well I get them completed!


Black Cat said...

Yes but Little Kat did blog. Good stuff.

Grand Kat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Grand Kat said...

It seems I can't type or spell today.
My comment was, I feel your pain.