Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Little Surprise

I got up early this morning. Went downstairs and cooked myself some breakfast (microwave pizza). I got the newspaper from outside. Then I saw Kit Kat running down trying to get a printout from the laser printer. Looked like some last minute homework to me. Then she raced out the door. I was hoping she would make her bus. Otherwise I would have to drive her to school.

After breakfast I decided to go upstairs and clean out my armoire. Momoko has made room in the closet for my clothes. She wants me to move the armoire out of the room to give her more room for her wardrobe. When I got to the top of the stairs, I saw Little Kat in his bed. That was strange since Momoko had left an hour earlier. She normally drives him to school, or tells me he is staying home. Perhaps she told me while I was asleep. Kit Kat was surprised as well when she got home. She had no idea Little Kat stayed home today.


Grand Kat said...

Was he sick or just didn't want to go to school??

Black Cat said...

Little Kat was sick. He slept all day and did not eat anything. By the time I got home, he seemed better though.