Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wii Streaming to the Rescue

We have a cable company that provides on demand video. The problem is that the service is flaky. It seems to not work more often than it works. Momoko and I need movies to watch. But Netflix only sends us a few disc a month.

Don't count Netflix out yet though. They have provided us with a Wii Disc. This Disc allows the Wii to connect to the wireless network. And you can stream movies down to your TV.

This is not awesome. Not all movies available on DVD from Netflix can be streamed over the network. But there are a bunch of anime series on there. Right now we are caught up watching Angelic Layer. People uses their "angels" to battle.


Momoko said...

My favorite summer movies so far: Timer; Interstate 60; Full of It

Grand Kat said...

No Wii No Netflex, so no movies for me.