Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Desktop Transfer

Kit Kat's desktop computer is dead. She tried to revive it. But it keeps going down. Now she "borrows" Momoko's computers. She sometimes uses Momoko's desktop. However she tries to get in on Momoko's laptop as well.

When I bought my laptop, I offered to let Kit Kat use my desktop. She declined the offer. I think she planned to save up and buy a laptop for herself. However the savings are low.

Today Momoko told me to move my desktop computer into Kit Kat's room. Kit Kat wanted to keep her monitor. I told her she could keep almost everything, except for the box that is my PC. I got Microsoft Office on there. And it is set up to use our wireless network and printers in the house.

Normally I would have tossed Kit Kat's old PC. However Little Kat wants to open it up and experiment with it. Now that's a young computer engineer if I ever saw one.


Grand Kat said...

That is one way for little to learn how things work. Now to put it back together again, may be a different sorry.
Does this mean Kit will blog more?

Black Cat said...

Yes we all hope for Kit Kat to be blogging. There is no excuse any more.