Monday, April 15, 2013

Come at me Bro +1

Momoko and Kit Kat swim on the weekend. Little Kat refuses to go exercise with them. He tells Momoko that he will exercise with me. Then he conventiently gets out of it. Momoko is not having this any more. She is requiring Little Kat to pump some iron with me.

Now it is not all that hard. I exercise for maybe 15 to 20 minutes each day. I just am very consistent. And my exercise is mostly cardio. I lift weights for like a minute or two per eday. Today I brought Little Kat down to our basement "gym" to work out.

Little Kat had to set up some of his weights which took some time. He should be all set up now. There are weights on his leg lift bar. And his dumbells have the appropriate weights attached now. Little Kat worked out on the elliptical machine first. The he spent the rest of the time hitting the weights.

We are going to make a man out of Little Kat if we have to. It is good for him to use up his energy working out, instead of attacking Kit Kat.

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