Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Game Night

After being out on the boardwalk for a few hours, I was tired. Took a nap until dinner time. Luckily, we just walked down to the hotel restaurant for dinner. Momoko authorized a crap dip appetizer. She also limited Little Kat to just a bowl a soup. Good thing too. Little Kat had previously eaten some snacks. Then he ate a lot of crab dip. He could not finish his soup. His excuse was that he was tired, and when he is tired he loses his hunger. Yeah right.

After dinner, Momoko made the family come to our room for a game night. She was the only one who wanted to play a game. But since she is the mamma, we had to comply. We had packed the Clue game for the trip. We used the beds as two chairs. Then we pulled up a table and two extra chairs. After rolling to see who goes first, Momoko won the roll.

Throughout the game, Little Kat kept complaining that he was at a disadvantage for rolling last. Turned out he was the first to accuse a murderer in the game. His theory was correct, and he won the game. Momoko quickly sent Kit Kat down to the Bistro in the center of the atrium for some ice cream. The place was closing in 10 minutes. After we packed up the game, Little Kat and Kit Kat bolted to their room for the night.

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