Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I Smell Something Nasty +1

Today I stayed home and worked from the basement as usual. When I came up for lunch, I smelled something rancid in the kitchen. I smelled it again after I came home from lunch. Since the kitchen is not my responsibility, I let Momoko know there was a problem. Later in the evening, I still smelled something funky. Momoko said we would deal with it later. Then she fell asleep.

If there is one thing I know, you have to deal with stinky stuff immediately. I thought this was something going rotten in one of our fridges. I asked Kit Kat if she knew of anything stale in the fridge. She told me she smelled something rank in the trash can yesterday.

Typical. People smell stuff and don't take care of it. Well I should be one to talk. So I decided to take a little action. Took out the trash. Made sure it was bundled up good so the outdoor trash can does not stink as well. Sprayed some Lysol in the indoor trash can. Crossed my fingers.

In other news, the carpet cleaners I buy seem to keep breaking down. No more carpet cleaning machines for us. But our carpets tend to get dirty or messy with the kids in the house. What are we to do? Call the professionals. Turns out the last guy we used 5 years ago recently called Momoko to see if we had any work for him. Yes we do!

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