Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Zombie Sex Scene +1

Today I had an invite to meet with the president of my community college. She wanted to get input from their adult student population. I hurried out of morning work meetings to grab a bite to eat at Roy Rogers. Then I made a detour at school to pick up a flash drive I won as part of a Math Awareness Week contest.

Then I went to the room where the president meeting was going to happen. I forgot that they said they were serving food there. Oh well. I grabbed a cherry coke and sat down. After introductions, I stood up and explained my number one problem on campus. There is a fail in the parking lot I always end up in.

At home, I found Momoko working late at school. For some reason Little Kat was late in preparing dinner. We ate late, and got a late start to Wednesday night family reading. There was bad luck because we had a long chapter to read. Kit Kat complained that we were spending so much time reading aloud.

Somewhere in the middle of reading, Kit Kat stopped because she said a sex scene was coming up. Sheesh. Kit Kat was the one who recommended this book. I had to take over for a while. It was two zombies trying to have sex. In case you did not know, it doesn't work out well for zombies. We eventually finished the chapter.

Afterwards Little Kat and I went downstairs to hit the exercise equipment and weights. Kit Kat was down there to doing another day of her 30-day squats challenge. I could not convince Momoko to join us. Like I said, it was a real long day for her at work.

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