Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Knock at the Door +1

I woke up to my alarm this morning. Usually I get up before it sounds and turn it off. I was happy to see that the whole family made it to school this morning. Sometimes we have a straggler still asleep when I awake.

I headed down to the basement to get busy. Whew it was cold down there. We turned the house A/C on a few days agao. Kit Kat released last night that Little Kat only turned on the fan, not the actually cooling. This morning I felt the frost.

Had to pump the thermostat up 6 degrees before the darn central A/C would shut off. The main level was reading 60 degress. Ouch that is indeed chilly. Too chilly.

While I was working, I heard the doorbell ring. Usually that means soliciters. Glad I answered the door. It was some construction dudes working a few houses down on the street. They were trying to turn a long flatbed truck around in our cul de sac. They thought they might not make it without hitting my car. So they asked if I could pull my car into the driveway.

I wasted no time zooming the car up into the driveway. Glad I did. That 18 wheeler could not have made the turn without my car car. I was worried they might hit some other cars in the street. Guess those people were not home, or did not answer their doors.

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