Thursday, April 25, 2013

Gifts Galore

Today I was busy at work. Trying to get my latest project done. I made mistake telling a manager that I was trending toward an early finish. Now people want it done even earlier. That's the last time I show my hand to any such slackers. Had to work a little extra past quitting time. That's okay. Things were looking up after work when Momoko got the family a steak dinner. Delicious.

During dinner, a friend was in the neighborhood and dropped off some gifts for me. After dinner, I opened the box from my bro. He bought it over like 2 weeks ago. It was a set of wooden TV trays. We need them since we are watching movies down in the basement man-cave. Then I opened a bag from my mom. I had already plundered the cookies that were in the bag. But there were still many shirts in there, plus some socks.

I openeded a small box from Momoko. It was a nightstand for the bedroom. The top was a nice marble square. The legs were a burgundy that matches my dresser. Then I got a small bag from Kit Kat which contained a Pac-man T shirt. Little Kat gave me a card that said IOU. He also gave me some nom nom figures from the app Cut The Rope.

Then I went to the bag from the friend who dropped by during dinner. There was a whole lot of stuff in there: a four pack DVD set, a card with hotties on it, different gift cards, and I think some other stuff. Just when I thought we were done, I checked my email. Found an Amazon gift card.

I did some Amazon shopping with my gift card. Got a tripod and cast iron metal pot to hang from it. This will be good for camping style cooking. Will come in handy during an emergency. We already have stacks of firewood. Yeah today started out tough. Things have been looking up all night. Little Kat even assembled my nightstand for me.

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