Monday, July 13, 2009

Clearing the Forest

We have a lot of land on our property. The fence only encloses a small portion of the land. We want to extend our fence out to the true property line. There is just one problem. The area behind our fence is woods. You could also call it a forest.

Previously I had went back there and chopped a path along our property line. That was last year. Since then the forest has been growing back. It is on a mission. I had to fight back today.

Armed with a hand saw I started chopping through the trees. There was not much progress. I bagged up the pieces I cut and left it out for the trash man. Next step is to save up money to get some dudes to install a big fence.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

I am getting tried just reading this. I think a work crew is a good idea.