Friday, July 3, 2009

Pictures are Broke Here

I am having a tough time uploading pictures to my blog from Momoko's computer. So I will just have to go without pictures until I get home, or learn the secret to posting them from Momoko's Macintosh.

Let me describe the conference me and Momoko are attending this weekend. It centers around animals which behave like humans. For example, Underdog is a highlight of this year's conference. That is mainly because his creator is a guest speaker. However Underdog is an animal that talks and has emotions. There is a formal name for this behavior, but let's not get technical.

Momoko and I were lost in the convention center. A green dinosaur who could have been Yoshi from Mario Brothers told us he could lead us to registration. He got lost himself while trying to guide us. He was sweating under that heavy suit. However a taller blue wolf, who had weapons like Mega Man knew where to go. Unfortunately he was a costumed character that did not speak. He had to use hand motions to let us know he knew where to go. Strange.

Let's hope Momoko gets some pictures of the other furry animals we shall meet at our conference. Here is a teaser. A guy from the set of Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends is another guest this year at the conference.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Sure hope you have fun and can find your way around.
Can't wait to see some pics!!
Sounds like a different world, not sure it would be my cup of tea, I am more like plain coffee.