Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Wrong Side of UP

Today I noticed that we lost two fish in the tank. When you buy fish, you get a 15 day warranty and of course that just ran out. Do you think the fish were keeping track of the days? (Yes! It's been more than 15 days I can go at anytime now) When we replace fish, we give the replacements the same name as the one that didn't make it. So, I will be getting a new "Goldie" and "Paco" soon. One of the frogs didn't look so good but it is hard to tell if they are "floating" or just floating. I will keep you posted.


Grand Kat said...

Poor goldie and paco! Hope the Froggie was floating Not Floating.

Momoko said...

So far the frog is just floating around. He is also sinking so I think everything is ok.

Grand Kat said...

Glad to hear the frog is ok.