Monday, July 6, 2009

No Rules. Just Right.

Mamma Kat was hungry when she came home from school today. She asked what I thought about an Outback Steakhouse dinner. That sounded good to me. I love a good steak.

And so Mamma Kat placed an order to go using the Internet. She asked me if I wanted to tag along when she picked up the food. I said ok.

When we got there, they had our food ready. Mamma Kat tried to pay. But she had no credit card. Luckily I always carry my wallet. It would have been sad if she went by herself and had to come all the way home for funds.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Sound like a ploy for Black Kat to pay and it worked.
How smart is Momoko!
Pretty smart I think.
Now for Black's own good and pocket book I hope she found her credit card.