Thursday, July 23, 2009

Parade Magazine has Landed

Yesterday I had to stay very late at work. So today I made sure I got off early to make up. When I got home, I did not find Momoko there. Today is the day we get a lot of newspapers delivered to the house. There is one city paper, and two local town papers. I decided to read one of the town papers.

The strange thing was that there were many inserts in the town paper. I guess when times are tough, the stores advertise. The most interesting insert was a copy of Parade Magazine. Normally we get that in our paid city paper. Now it seems we also receive a copy in the free town paper. Perhaps our paper is growing up.

When Momoko finally did come home, she had a salad for me to snack on. Yum yum. Thanks Momoko.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

We only get ours with the Sunday paper, no fair.