Friday, July 10, 2009

Stealth Mode

Sometimes I think that I hate my job. It mainly revolves around the times when I am forced into working late or working the weekends. In an ideal world I would just quit. But that won't serve any good purpose. I need to pay those bills. What is a cat to do?

Well I have determined some courses of action. If I have to work late and work weekends sometimes, I should also be able to slack off at other times. Even though I share an office with another guy, he is always on the road. So I essentially have my own office. That has proved beneficial.

Unless I have a meeting I need to go to, I normally don't come in on time any more. I still get my work done because I am very proficient. I also try to get the heck out of work at the end of the day too. I just tell my peers that I am sick of working late every day. Then I just bolt at 3:00 or 3:30 PM regardless of when I get in. This makes me happy. Don't get mad. Just get even.


Momoko said...

Sneaky, Sneaky...that is working smarter not harder.

Grand Kat said...

Sneaky is right but if the job gets done and no one complains why not.