Saturday, July 18, 2009

Package Mania

Today we got a delivery from Fed Ex. Well, it was more like a ding dong ditch. We had FIVE heavy packages dropped off near the front door. The Fed Ex guy waved as he drove away but he did not stay to help bring them inside the house. Good thing Black was home. The packages were very, very, very heavy for me. Black kept saying I needed to build up my endurance. I guess I need a weight bench as well as an elliptical. I was huffing and puffing pretty loudly but dang, they were HEAVY and I have little Momoko muscles. In case you were wondering what was in the packages, it's Little's bed pieces. Seems that I have to build it and bring it up the stairs. I guess I will start one piece at a time. I do have to finish taking the wallpaper down and then painting first. I really miss the kittens right now!


Black Cat said...

Those were some seriously heavy boxes. Momoko wanted to take a brak in between moving them. I told her we needed to get to work.

Grand Kat said...

Poor Momoko sounds like she got a work out. I bet she was sore the next day.