Monday, July 27, 2009

Loft Completion

Yesterday I went to bed on time. I had to get Momoko to stop work on the loft. It makes too much noise, will all the drilling and hammering. I figured midnight is a good time to call it quits for the day.

Momoko went on to do her college homework in the AM hours. When I woke this morning, I woke up Momoko as well. I needed to go to work. However Momoko talked me into helping her finish off the loft bed for Little Kat.

We measured and screwed in the safety rails that will keep Little Kat from falling off the side of the loft bed. Then we pushed the bed into the corner of Little Kat's room. Momoko put some stuff under the bed to reclaim the space down there. We are done!


Momoko said...

Does the happy dance!!! WHOOO HOOOO

Grand Kat said...

Great job!