Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Phone Woes

Today was a long day for me. I woke up early to read my new book (Options by the Fake Steve Jobs). Then I went in to work early as well. We had a long lunch at the local Mongolian BBQ. They let you choose your ingredients. Then they cook it up on a grill for you.

After work I visited the dentist. Then I got my hair cut. Finally I visited my parents. This was indeed a busy day. So when I got home, I went to bed and took a nap. I was woken by Momoko telling me I had a call. It was Little Kat on the phone.

Little Kat informed me that the went swimming with the cell phone I loaned him. The phone got wet and ceased to work. He said he was desperately trying to dry the thing and hoped it would work. I told him to keep me posted. Then I went back to sleep. We shall see where this takes us.


Momoko said...

I wonder if a blow dryer would speed up the drying process...

Grand Kat said...

Sounds like you had a hard day!
Is the phone still wet or is it dry?

Momoko said...

Little called me on his phone today so I think it is working now!