Monday, March 25, 2013

Let It Snow +1

It snowed here last night. Momoko and Little Kat had a two hour delay in school opening. Kit Kat had her morning classes cancelled. She was happy because one of her morning classes was supposed to have a test. I had to go to work at normal time. That's how it goes when you work at home.

At lunch time, I went outside to survey the damage. My car was covered in snow. So was the whole driveway. It was time to clean off the snow. I first took care of my car. Then I saw Kit Kat come out of the house. She drove to school. I could not use the snow blower on the driveway because the snow was too wet. The snow blower works best if it is fluffy dry snow.

Luckily we have all kinds of snow shovels. I chose the big one that has good handles to pick up the snow. Pushing the snow was easy. Picking it up and throwing it to the side was hard. This was very wet snow. It was hard to scrape up the tracks left by the tires of Kit Kat's car. After an hour or so, I was done. I spread a bunch of rock salt and went to lunch.

There were a lot of people at Roy Rogers for it being a snow day. I got a seat and ate my meal quickly. Then I headed home. I figured I was already sweaty from shoveling snow, I should work out on the exercise machines. I skipped the weight lifting portion of my exercise. I already got more than enough of that lifting the heavy snow.

Let's hope this is the last of the snow for the season.

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