Monday, March 4, 2013

Eye Trouble

Last week, Kit Kat had her eye injured by her contact lense. Or perhaps it was something that got caught in her contact lens. When I got home from my late night colleg class, she was in pain. She decided to go to her first class of the day the following day. She took her exam. Then she came home.

I saw Kit Kat lay down on the couch. At lunch time I asked her if she wanted to go out to lunch. She was knocked out asleep on the couch. I stuck around for an hour, leaving her sleep. Then I made some noise and Kit Kat woke up slowly. I asked her if she wanted to go out to lunch with me. She was too self-concious about her swollen eye. She said everyone was always staring at her. We opted to dine in with some Chinese food carry out.

I needed to get back to work. Kit Kat was supposed to go to the doctor's or the clinic. She opted not to. Momoko came home and overruled Kit Kat. Momoko took her to the eyeglass store. The eye doctor on site was worried, and gave Kit Kat some drops to put in her eye every hour. The next day, the eyeglass store doctor said it looked like Kit Kat was healing nicely.

Good thing this was nothing serious. Kit Kat still insists on wearing those contacts.


Anonymous said...

There might be something caught in her contacts.
Yep I know, its scary.
I don't use mine very often since I need to go in a jiffy always, so I leave them at home.

I stil use my glasses but I plan on getting a new one.
Since the ones I have now has lower grade than my contacts.

Hope she heals fast :)

Black Cat said...

Yeah Kit Kat seems to be back to 100% in her eyes. Something got into that contact. Surprisingly, she still insists on wearing those contact lenses.