Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saturday Night +1

Most of Kit Kat's friends are on spring break this week. So they are home from theit college dorms. Kit Kat planned to go play Laser Tag with them last night. She got dressed in some of her new clothes. Then a friend of hers she used to drive around a lot came to pick her us. This friend now has a license and access to a car.

Momoko and I watched a Netflix movie on demand. I just turned the streaming option back on because Momoko missed it. We watched Video Game High School. Even though it was a B-movie, it was pretty good. Little Kat said it was based on a YouTube video series he used to watch.

After the movie, I needed a snack. I had some coupons from my bro for McDonald's. Kit Kat and Momoko had already eaten some pie. So I figured they did not need a snack. I was wrong. Both of them wanted a midnight McDonald's sandwich snack. I gave in a picked them up some food.

Kit Kat and Momoko got tired and went to bed. I stayed up. Kit Kat eventually came in at 2am. She was going to spend the night at her friend's house. However they were so tired that they figured there would be no benefit to go over anybody's house. All they would do is sleep. So she came home and went to bed in her room.

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